汤浅政明监督的TV动画有两部获得了日本文化厅媒体艺术祭,一部是《四叠半神话大系》,这个已经在之前的文章中讲过了。 我和“我”——《四畳半神话大系》漫评
摘自《原则:应对变化中的世界秩序》[美] 瑞·达利欧中信出版社2022年1月
摘自《论个人在历史上的作用》[俄] 普列汉诺夫商务印书馆2011年6月
《Science Research Writing For Non-Native Speakers of English》摘录
IntroductionThe aim of this book is to give you the information, vocabulary and skills you need quickly and easily so that you can write confidently using the style and structure you see in the journals you read.
《Yes Prime Minister》摘录
S1E1“We should always tell the press freely and frankly anything that they could easily find out some other way.”
《Yes Minister》摘录
S1E1“Always dispose of the difficult bit int the title. Does less harm there than in the text. ““The less you intend to do about something, the more you have to keep talking about it. “
摘自《置身事内:中国政府与经济发展》兰小欢 著上海人民出版社2021年8月第1版
摘自《为权利而斗争》[德]耶林 著郑永流 译商务印书馆2016年版
摘自《旧制度与大革命》[法]托克维尔 著冯棠 译商务印书馆1997年版